Monday, April 4, 2016


The grasses expired yellowness.
The trees long stretching hands.
The sands tan roughness.
The rivers deep flowing strands.

America the Beautiful Remix

Beautiful skies and amber waves.
Mountains on thy plain.
America the fruited, God shed grace.
America o purple majesties above.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Nathan Foreman

James grew up small town called Geneville, Oregon. James wanted nothing more than to own a downhill mountain bike. The day James turned 14 he bought a brand new 1999 GT Lobo. He had never loved anything more than he loved this bike.
He was on his bike all day everyday. Eventually James became one of the best bikers in Geneville.
Year after year, James would compete in competitions all over that state. It’s was a warm August day when James was taking a spin through his neighborhood. Out of the blue James’s best bud called him. He said Red Bull had made a new downhill competition. James knew instantly that someday he would win it. There was NO doubt in his mind.
Seven years later James got a letter in the mail. It was from Red Bull. James had finally been invited to the first Rampage in four years.
James immediately got his crew assembled and gave them the news. They were all so pumped to finally get to take part in the world’s craziest DH race. They were on the road the next day, off to Virgin, Utah. James was excited to be a part of something he had been dreaming about since he was 14, but he knew he had to do something to win.
When James gets to the Rampage venue he is exuberant. People greet him left and right, he never thought he was this big. His crew gets right to work planning out his line for the contest. James knew almost all the riders, they had been his idols for years. He was getting to know some of the other riders slowly but surely. They all seemed to think he was a great guy.
It was five days until Rampage and James plan was coming into place. First up was one of the racers from Canada. While the racer was at the top of his line James threw a log over one of his jumps. The rider came flying down the mountain working hard every pedal stroke. The log came out of nowhere, he hit is and flew straight off a cliff. James saw a poof of dust at the bottom and knew it had worked. One down, 9 to go. James plan was to kill all the good riders and make it look like an accident. That would leave him to win the whole thing.
Day by day riders slowly started to disappear. Spectators and crew members started to get suspicious. No one thought it was James though. He had become such good friends with everyone they couldn’t imagine it was him. There was one day left until the race and James had one more opponent to get rid of. The riders name was Kelly. Kelly had just finished a run down the mountain and was on his way back up. James took his chance and dug up a section of Kelly’s line. The only problem was that Kelly was already at the top and he watched James sabotage his line. Kelly knew what James was up to, and he was not going to have it. Kelly thought of something only someone as crazy as him could have thought of. He took off as fast as he could down the mountain knowing where his line was screwed up. He came around a corner and saw the holes standing in his way. He lifted up with all the power he had inside of him. He flew over the holes as if he were flying.
James stood waiting for a disaster, instead he was faced with Kelly. Kelly swerved to a stop after James ran in fear. Kelly looked around and put a huge rock right in the middle of James’s line where he wouldn’t see it. James was on his way up to the top of the mountain for his last run before the big day. He was speeding down the course when all of the sudden his front tire hit something. He went flying head first off a 50 foot cliff. Kelly was proud of himself for taking action and solving an issue on his own.
After James was killed Red Bull decided to call off the competition for that year. Kelly was glad he caught the killer before he could do anymore damage. As for James’s crew, they went home wondering why someone would want to target James. Kelly never told anyone about James. He went on to win Rampage the next year. He dedicated his win to all the killed racers from last years incident.  

Thursday, January 7, 2016